Result Analysis for Rowbotham's Round Rotherham
Individual Event

Saturday, 5th October 2024

Line 1: overall time in hour:min & (current position in event).
Line 2: time for current stage in hour:min & (change in position)
Line 3: Speed as min:sec/km & (ranking on current stage)

Note: if you were in a group, your position can fluctuate through the event.
Timing is to the nearest minute at intermediate checkpoints, so apparent different positions get a the same ranking. 
If, at the finish, you want your 2 second advantage to be recognised, let me know as groups have usually been batched.  Timing to the second helps separate people on different start times. 

The information is provided in a .pdf file that can be printed on 7 pages. Click on the following link, either to view it or right click, Save Target As and then print it
Presented as a web page, it would be over 3 megabytes!

Splits File


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Last Updated on 08 October, 2024 12:41:57
 Henry Marston
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